Monday, March 7, 2011

Dr. Seuss Inspired Floral Arrangement Teaser

Recently, Erin (a great photographer and super pretty) of Palos Studios asked me to come up with some creative floral design concepts for a Dr. Seuss baby shower she was putting together. And let me just say....Erin is my favorite type of client!!! Why? She handed me an awesome design concept and gave me the freedom to run with it. So, what did I do? Having kids of my own, I have read almost every Dr. Seuss book. But I decided to google images of Dr. Seuss picture books to see what would spark my interest. It was hard to narrow it down but of the design concepts I sent over to Erin, the two she picked happened to be my two favorites. Here are the images that were transalated to florals:

Thing 1 and Thing 2

The Lorax Trees

Any guesses on what the florals ended up looking like?
What might you do?

See you Thursday with pictures of my floral interpretations!

Images borrowed from here and here.

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